A somewhat bad start to the day

Following a somewhat already bad night, or yesterday...

While I was sleeping, I don't know when, but I pulled a leg muscle again... Was my left calf this time, and I'm trying to recall why it happened...

Vaguely, I can recall the phone ringing, I think, and I stretched to get up to answer it, but when my muscle pulled, obviously in great pain, I laid back down and tried to bear the pain till it was gone. I don't know if the phone really rang or what.

Then in the morning, I received a pleasant surprise on MSN. But I'm not gonna elaborate on that.

Walking to and back to class wasn't pleasant, with the slight pain still lingering on my calf, as I walk, especially when going down the stairs.

Again in class, I was highly distracted, and unfocused.

I also arrived there, tired, mentally and physically, I just felt like going home and sleep, but I just went ahead with the class anyway.

Till next time...

Hi Nan, btw ;)

2 bites:

balqisJ said...

naz chan,
how's ur leg now?
Hope you're okay.
Take care..:)

Ayin said...

yeah, it's a lot better now, thanks! ^^


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