Chasing Dreams


I slept early last night, being so tired after the long day... And today might be another long day, except that my morning is free... How I wished I woke up earlier.


The title isn't about chasing my ambitions or my dreams of going somewhere special, but more literal in this case.

Dreams when I sleep :P

No, this time I didn't get those special nightmares, however, I often have a kind of adventure-ish dreams, that involves chasing ppl, being chased (most frequent), kidnappings, dramas, etc...

So this time, I was 'protecting' someone from being caught by a mob, then later, I was caught myself, but I managed to escape... Then had to find someone to provide evidence of innocence, and the task to go there was hard... When in the end, I managed to block the 'bad ppl' from capturing me, thus, the favour of the whole adventure was tipped towards me, I woke up.

Feeling darn pleased and so exhausted :K Yeah, feeling exhausted when waking up from a long sleep at 8 AM... And there are many times this happened.

3 bites:

Steven said...

being chased and getting kidnapped aren't nightmares? XD

Anonymous said...

interesting dream there and kidnappings are adventurous? xD

Ayin said...

kidnappings doesn't mean that i'm the one kidnapped.. xD well most of the time xD

i call them all adventures.. sometimes disasters, etc.. sometimes zombies, etc.. most of them recurring, but there are also one offs, depending on a movie or something i saw that day xD


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