Satisfaction... from doing housework

Today, I decided to get all my chores out of the way.

So after a new session of 14-2hrs-class of Mandarin, I came home and continue working on my resume (basically patching up the mess I made with it last night), waiting for Balqis to come over to borrow my room for a nap before her next class.

While she was here, I did-
  • My laundry (wash and dry) but it took longer, because some ... :@ ... ppl left their clothes in the dryer for ages, and I had to wait a bit for one to be empty.. Even then, the other two (out of three) was still occupied when I'm done, so Sindy who did her laundry 5 minutes after me, had to wait till I'm done with my dryer so she can use it as well... Some ppl.. -.-
  • Vacuuming the living room.. including the stairs, that had a lot of grass from the relay =D
  • Scrub the kitchen floor.. boy was it dirty!
  • Clean my table fan from dust
After all that, I felt pretty exhausted and all.. but there was also a sense of satisfaction from having all these done, since this week that's my house duty anyway... Altho I usually avoid work of any kind, but when cleaning, and I can actually enjoy the affects after that, and see the results, makes me quite happy.

Same goes with cooking, actually... I don't actually detest cooking... I don't actually hate it... Given chance and leisure, I'd be trying to learn to cook some yummies myself... But what usually turns me away from cooking is expectations... particularly when I'm expected to know and do cooking just because I'm female...

Like now, I've learned to cook some really yummy dishes here :D And if I'm not too lazy, I'd try cooking them myself... vegetables too! :o

I love eating.. Eating is good.

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