Dressing Up

Brown/BlueGreen Top + Dark Brown Short Skirt + Heels

Brown/BlueGreen Top + Dark Brown Long Skirt + Heels

Black Skirt + Black Top + Heels

Black Skirt with flower pattern + Black Top + Heels

and so on...

So I took a bit of time off on working on my actl assignment, and talked to my housemates on what I should wear on my final class for ballroom dancing...

The whole house participate in a lil "fashion show" xD of me parading in their "cute" clothes, together with my heels.. xD

Well, at least I do have something to wear for this Friday, and it seems like the vote is for me to wear the Black Knee-Length Skirt with flower pattern + Black Top (That is kinda long sleeve, off my shoulders).. something like smart casual :)

2 bites:

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for the black skirt with flower pattern + black top...You'll look so pretty ^^ You must take pictures :D

Steven said...

Vanny is so right =O about the pictures 0:-)


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