Save the Last Dance

With my ACTL assignment finally submitted, (unfinished tho :P)

It was time to think about my last dance class for this semester, where all the advance students dress up as well...

Good thing clothes are planned out already.

SO the hair.. I didn't know what to do.. tie it up? let it down, make my curls stay? Sindy suggested straightening, Hui Chien agreed to the suggestion.. so at 5 PM, I had my hair straightened using those things that kinda like, irons your hair.

This pic was taken after I got home from class tho, so by that time, my hair became frizzy again...

Once Pann Pann, (another girl in the dance-advance) sends me the photo of the whole class, I'll post it in the blog.

So I had three of my housemate's items on me.. xD skirt, blouse and hairband xD

I rushed to the class, since Pann Pann was feeling odd being the only person dressed up at the moment.. xD (since we usually attend the beginners class as well, and they didn't dress up)

Make up? Just my foundation that I bought at least a year ago, I can't remember why.. maybe for work.. and some lip stuff i don't know.. Sindy helped me put that on

Kris noticed it -.- at least he was quite decent.. till he stepped on me :P

Now someone else needs to start dancing :P

1 bites:

Anonymous said...

Pretty ;* I really like your hair straigthen ^^ *wonders how many times I've told you that* xD Sounds like you had a good time at your last dance class though :)


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