Males... and games =P

Last night when I came back from my dance class, my two housemates of the same floor somehow started commenting that I have many guy friends :P

I don't deny that, since I often feel that I get along better with guys, even since young. Being the only girl among my siblings, and the oldest girl among my cousins on my dad's side (back then wasn't as close to the extended family on mum's side), I grew up with guys.. Playing football as a kid, often being the goalie.. xD I remember once my uncle confiscated out football because we kept playing at the side of the house, possibly hitting pots and breaking window panes.. xD and being the only girl, I set out to retrieve the ball without being caught...

Then back at home, with my brothers, I used to wrestle with my younger brother... until he got taller than me tho xD then played many games with my older brother... I remember:
  • Heretic (and trying to get the eggs and turning the other player into a chicken) xD ,
  • Wolfenstein 3-D, (sparked my interest in languages, first foreign dictionary bought - German)
  • Doom (I & II) *always using the cheats 0:-) especially IDDQD, i think! xD unless it's a different game*,
  • Dune II - ahhh, the sandworm! xD ps. damn cute photo if you played the game =D and when playing this, I kept associating those windtraps as the Sydney Opera House
and many many more.. those games were just the beginning =P then along came Quake, AoE, Diablo II (I was too scared to play Diablo I), Warcraft :P and oh wait, SimCity 2!

I love computer games =D

Then even at this age, back in Malaysia, unlike most people, I don't really go clubbing (actually never did that before) but I did sometimes follow myuu to internet/gaming cafes just to have big multiplayer games, like Counterstrike or Battlefield...

So yeah, I do enjoy more guys stuff, I guess... as Wei Hon like to rub it in, that I'm actually one of the guys.. :P Kris thinks I'd have problems dressing up for a girl; up till now, I have little knowledge of putting on make-up, and plus.. I don't know how to cook =P

Ahh.. I also just remembered I used to play these little motorized cars (Tamiya) and even had my own car B)

But when it comes to guys that I'd fall for... barely any that I know around here.. my housemates did ask me my preference, but here in Aussie, there's truly none I'd prefer... I do enjoy hanging out with *most* of them, not all for various reasons :P but yeah; it would definitely be nice to know a decent guy who shares many if not all the same interests as me and never fails to make me happy ^^

2 bites:

Ayin said...

Oh, and just before I started writing this post, thinking, another housemate caught me staring out of the window, as if I'm day dreaming xD

Anonymous said...

Gaming is fun! :D I grew up with one brother and I started playing video games at like age 3, I guess from watching him play or something xD Fun though ^^


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