2nd Non-Pass

As expected, I didn't pass my second quiz. But I'm not too upset, I actually did better than I thought... yes, I still didn't pass tho, nor was I near the average mark at all... (which is 43)

I'm not gonna use the F word for non-pass anymore (I still swear, yeah :P, as usual, only when I'm alone, or when I'm driving). Too often I used that word, and I think it's up to a point where I keep thinking that I'd not pass, and that negativity is sinking badly into me


I can do it. I will pass, I can do this :) It's hard, but still, I can try.

Whatever happens in the end, happens, good or bad, at least I've tried.

3 bites:

Anonymous said...

Aww *huggles* You can do it though :) I know you can ^^

Nads said...

Non-pass again? :k :k :k

Nvm... u can do it. Gambatte!!

Owh... n hurry home *hugs*

Ayin said...

Thanks Nads, Vanny ;*

Yeah, ganbarimasu!


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